Research Philosophy
I study how the relational work of teaching influences teachers' and students' engagement with curriculum. In one current project, sponsored by the Research Initiative Grant from ELATE, I am exploring how grieving English teachers responded to literature following loss and how that response influenced their teaching. In another project, I am studying the challenges teachers face following a miscarriage experience, and what supports will sustain teachers at work following a miscarriage.
RECENT PUblications
Dunn, M.B. (2023). “It’s really hard to stand in front of the class when you’re trying not to cry”: Teachers’ emotional labor following a miscarriage experience. Social Sciences and Humanities Open. DOI: j.ssaho.2023.100513
Kent, E. & Dunn, M.B. (2023). Supporting pre-service teachers in enacting anti-racist teaching practices. English Journal: The Future is Now Column, 112(4), 98-100.
Sherry, M., Dunn, M.B., O’Brien, J. (2023). Mode-Switching as face-saving resource in a synchronous online class about linguistic racism. Linguistics and Education. DOI:
Vanderheide, J. & Dunn, M.B. (2022). Reconceptualising dialogue in virtual classrooms: Preservice teachers using dialogic and digital tools across visual, spoken, and written modes. English in Education. DOI: 10.1080/04250494.2022.2112398
Dunn, M.B. (2022). Teaching while grieving a death: Navigating the complexities of relational work, emotional labor, and English language arts teaching. English Education, 54(4), 315-332.
Dunn, M.B. (2022). When teachers lose loved ones: Affective practices in teachers’ accounts of addressing loss in literature instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(3), 1049-1064. DOI:
Dunn, M.B. (2021). Teaching literature following loss: Teachers’ adherence to emotional rules. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 20(3), 354-67. DOI: 10.1108/ETPC-11-2020-0147. [this article won the 2022 Literati Outstanding Paper Award from Emerald Publishing]
Everett, S. & Dunn, M. B. (2021). Creating space for grief: cultivating an intersectional grief-informed systemic pathway for teacher leaders. English Leadership Quarterly, 43(4), 2-6.
Dunn, M. B. (2021). When teachers hurt: Supporting preservice teacher well-being. English Education, 53(2), 145-151.
Dunn, M. B. & Johnson, R. A. (2020). Loss in the English classroom: A study of English teachers’ emotion management during literature instruction. The Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 16(2)1-21.
DeHart, J. & Dunn, M. B. (2020). Shared viewing from phenomenological perspectives: English teachers and lived experience as text [38 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 21(3), Art. 14,
Dunn, M. B. & Garcia, A. (2020). Grief, loss, and literature: Reading texts as social artifacts. The English Journal. 109(6), 52-58.
Sulzer, M. & Dunn, M. B. (2019). Disrupting the neoliberal discourse of teacher reflection through dialogical-phenomenological texts. Reflective Practice, 20(5), 604-618.
Juzwik, M. M., VanDerHeide, J., Dunn, M. B., & Goff, B. (2018). Assigning and framing argument writing to foreground significance:Comparing three approaches in secondary English. English in Education, DOI: 10.1080/04250494.2018.1505413.
Dunn, M. B. (2018). The complexity of becoming a dialogic teacher in an English language arts classroom. Changing English, 25(2), pp. 135-145.
Dunn, M. B., VanDerHeide, J., Caughlan, S., Northrup, L., Kelly, S., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Tensions in learning to teach English. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 17(1), 44-56.
Kelly, S., Zhang, Y., Northrop, L., VanDerHeide, J., Dunn, M., & Caughlan, S. (2018). English and language arts teachers’ perspectives on schooling: Initial exposure to a teacher education curriculum. Teacher Education Quarterly, 45(41), 57-86.
Wynhoff-Olsen, A., VanDerHeide, J., Goff, B., & Dunn, M. B. (2018). Examining intertextual connections in written arguments: A study of student writing as social participation and response. Written Communication 35(1), 58-88.
VanDerHeide, J., Juzwik, M. & Dunn, M. (2016). Teaching and learning argumentation in English: A dialogic approach. Theory Into Practice, 55 (4), 287-293.
Editorial Experience
Editorial Assistant, Research in the Teaching of English. I reviewed manuscripts, invited and communicated with reviewers, and wrote decision letters.
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Language and Literacy Education. As the Communications Editor, I managed our website and social media accounts. I also reviewed manuscripts and assisted the planning of the annual JoLLE Conference.